Jobs Landed: DJ McKerr

 I will be serving as a Capital Equity Intern for this coming summer and will assist in administering programs to provide access to capital for businesses across the state.  Some of the current programs include a venture capital fund, small business capital access program, in addition to some new programs that will be implemented this summer that I will be assisting with.  My professional interests include economic redevelopment in the State of Michigan as well as entrepreneurship.  In the past I have worked for a venture capitalist firm (RPM Ventures) in Ann Arbor and have been a small business owner myself and will bring these experiences with with me into the work I will be doing for the Michigan Economic Development Corporation.

On Twitter: @itsaDJstory
Job Title: Capital Equity Intern
Company: Michigan Economic Development Corporation
College: University of Michigan, Ford School of Public Policy, Public Policy, Ann Arbor, Michigan
High School: Lansing Catholic High School, Lansing, Michigan
Lives In: Ann Arbor

Michigan Economic Development Corporation

300 N. Washington Square
Lansing, MI 48913

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