DTN Clears Way For $3 Million East Lansing Development

DTN has knocked down two rental homes off of Burcham Road in East Lansing and is starting construction on a $3 million, two-apartment development that will invite students and families to the area.

DTN broke ground on the development, which is between East Lasing High School and Patriarche Park, last month. The 30 units inside the two buildings are slated to open next summer.

"We're in every area in the Lansing market and we're always looking for new opportunities,”  says Allen Russell with DTN about an opportunity to turn rundown rental units into property that fits into the Burcham neighborhood.

The new buildings at 767 and 775 Burcham Road will cost $1,400-$1,600 a month. Each apartment will be a 1,150-1,275 square foot space.

Source: Allen Russell, DTN

Developer: DTN
Builder: DTN

Ivy Hughes is the development news editor for Capital Gains. She can be reached at ivy@capitalgainsmedia.com.

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